SACC Houston: SWEA Saint Lucia Celebration 2022
Welcome to SWEA Houston's Swedish Saint Lucia Celebration at Christ the King Lutheran Church
2353 Rice Boulevard,
77005, Houston TX
When: Sunday 11th of December 5-7 pm
5 pm: doors open - bazaar and "fika", approx 6 pm: Lucia procession, 6.45: raffle draw
What to expect: Come and experience something uniquely Swedish - A traditional Lucia Procession lighting up the darkness! Swedish Lucia songs are performed by SWEA Houston Children Choir. Our special talented guest performer Marcus Hagegård sings, Oh Holy Night (O Helga Natt).
We will serve: Glögg/mulled wine), Lussebullar/saffron buns and Pepparkakor/gingerbread cookies.
Christmas Bazaar: (cash/check payment preferred), you will find Swedish Christmas items such as home baked goods, sweets and treats, handicrafts and decorations, pre-loved books and games etc.
Raffle: We will have a sponsored raffle at the venue to cover our costs as SWEA is a non-profit organization. Any proceeds will go towards promoting the Swedish language and spreading Swedish culture and traditions. Buy one lottery ticket for $5 and three for $10.
Sponsor: IKEA
Buy your event tickets online today and latest December 7th ( through Ticketleap/Lucia, $15 for adults and $5 for children, under 12 yrs. Children already signed up to participate in the Lucia Procession do not need to buy a ticket.
About SWEA: SWEA stands for Swedish Women Educational Association. SWEA International, Inc., founded 1979 in Los Angleles, is the largest non-profit organization promoting Sweden outside of Sweden with the goal of promoting the Swedish language and spreading Swedish culture and tradition. SWEA is a global network with around 6,000 Swedish-speaking women in more than 70 chapters in over 30 countries. SWEA grants around $250,000 yearly in donations and scholarships. For more info:
(Sweor: Passa på att betala ditt medlemsskap för 2023 ($55) via Ticketleap eller under Lucia-eventet)
Date and Time
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM CST
Sunday, december 11th 2022
5 - 7 PM CSTLocation
2353 Rice Boulevard, Houston, TX 77005